Lecture Halls, Laboratories and Equipments
A AND E College of Pharmacy has well furnished lecture hall. It is equipped with audiovisual equipment like slide and film projectors, OHP’s, etc,. The College has well equipped spacious laboratories in all the subjects of pharmaceutical sciences so that student can understand effectively, what they have learnt in the classroom. Experiments are carried out in such that the basic concepts are well understood by the students.

Classrooms: -
All the classrooms are spaciously designed and are well furnished with necessary technical aids like OHP, Slide projectors. LCD Projector, Laptop and power supply.
Seminar Hall: -
The Institute possesses a seminar Hall with seating capacity of 500 people. The Hall plays host to guest lectures, seminars and various presentations.
Library: -
- Book including for particular topics or subjects as well as Reference book like dictionaries, encyclopedias, e-book, etc.
- National and International journals & Magazines.
- Database and Audiovisual material.
Computer Facilities:-
Keeping in view the increased emphasis on technology, the A and E College has developed computer lab with broad – band connection. The lab is equipped with sufficient number of computers with the latest configuration and software. In addition, We also have our own Internet facility through local ISP, Wi-Fi facility is also available.